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Why pursuing happiness should be our priority

What is the one thing that ignites a spark of joy in your life?

The thing that can transform a bad day into a happy moment. Turn a frown to a smile — maybe even laughter.

Experiencing little droplets of joy can impact us in ways we did not expect. It can even be life-changing. The sun stroking your skin. The dance class you dragged yourself to after a heavy day's work. A melody or a song which set your soul alight. A simple smile from a stranger.

The feeling of happiness is what steers us positively through life. So understanding how our emotional well-being impacts our lives, may be key to becoming the healthiest versions of ourselves.

It is well documented through scientific studies, that good health is dependent on happiness, well-being and life longevity. As humans, we experience a multiple of different emotions throughout our lives — from frustration to anger, sadness to  happiness.

It's worth knowing that both our brains and our hearts thrive from optimism and positive emotions — even under stressful circumstances. This is because happiness appears to be able to counterbalance the negative, psychological affects of stress, and aid recovery. The concept of being happy, according to various psychologists, centres primarily on two perspectives:

Eudaimonism - focuses on self-realisation and our overall well-being. Purposeful events or selfless actions that create more meaning to our lives.

Hedonism - focuses on the avoidance of pain. Indulging in the simple joys of life. Momentary pleasures that satisfies one's needs, such as a glass of wine or slice of cake.

People who find happiness, contentment and joy through the act of eudaimonism,  tend have more positive emotional experiences according to studies —including lower rates of mortality, and higher life expectancy.

Positive emotions have a direct link to positive behaviours such as getting adequate sleep, participating in regular exercise and healthier eating habits. As a result, we tend to have better immune, respiratory and cardiovascular health.

The correlation between happiness and health, have also shown that individuals who have higher levels of optimism and maintain a positive outlook on life, suffer less with mental and emotional conditions such as depression, anxiety and sadness.

Additionally, maintaining close relationships with friends, family and social groups, prevents isolation and loneliness. These contributory factors have a huge impact on our health and lifespan.

While there are many contributing factors to health and longevity, it is reasonable to conclude happiness plays an important role in the quality of our lives.

Tips for creating pockets of joy daily

  1. Smile more! A few minutes a day can really make a difference
  2. Spend time around those who uplift you, encourage and inspire you— people who make you smile
  3. Dedicate time to do the things that give you pleasure. Even if it's just a few minutes a day
  4. Attend a dance class.
  5. Practice yoga or meditation.
  6. Press play on a favourite track and move, move, move!
  7. Sing a cheerful song.
  8. Watch a feel good movie
  9. Attend a comedy night with a friend or partner
  10. Detach from your desk! Stretch your legs for 5 minutes. Catch up for a quick chat with a colleague. Have lunch in the staffroom.
  11. Declutter! Make positive changes to your home environment or workspace
  12. Practice gratitude and thankfulness
  13. Celebrate your achievements whether big or small.
  14. Life is full of hurdles and challenges. Do not be afraid to confront them. Remind yourself that this is only temporary
  15. Try not to just focus on the problem. Aim to find solutions to the problem.
  16. Remember happiness is a choice
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